To Download App:

To download the app on your mobil device follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to the App Store or Google Play Store (depending on your device)
  2. Search for "Bizzabo" and download the Free app.
  3. Once the App is downloaded, on the first screen you see there should be a white search bar. Search for "CMV Conference" and the conference should be the first result.
  4. Click "Join the Community" in the green box.
  5. Now you are ready for the conference.
  6. To set up your profile, click the icon in the top left corner of the screen (it should look like 3 horizontal lines. Here you can link your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other things. These help you get in contact with others at the conference so you don't have to rely on business cards or notes.
  7. Make sure you've downloaded the app before the conference to get familiar with the layout.

The Language of Desire is an online program designed specifically for women who want a highly rewarding solution to turning on a man both sexually and emotionally by use of naughty words and phrases. It teaches them about the psychology of a man's mind and how using dirty language can get their men to desire them, and only them. It is designed for women who want to learn how to talk dirty to their man without necessarily feeling embarrassed or awkward.