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10/10/2023  |   8:30 AM - 9:30 AM   |  Courtroom

Guilt, Grief, Anger & Ambiguity: Supporting Families Through the Emotions of a CMV diagnosis

Abstract Summary

A diagnosis of cCMV can produce a variety of challenging emotions for parents and family members. For example, parents may experience guilt over contracting the virus or grief at the loss of some of their ideas and dreams for their child. For families, a cCMV diagnosis comes with significant ambiguity as to the potential outcomes for their children, leaving caregivers uncertain what to expect for their child’s future. Furthermore, almost all families are shocked they have never heard of this virus and become angry with the medical system for the lack of preventive education. Medical providers are often a bridge between the mental health crisis this diagnosis causes and available supports. Unfortunately, most medical providers have not received adequate training on ways to support a family’s mental health during times of acute distress—which can further exacerbate feelings of isolation and inadequacy. However, medical professional can be taught about the delivery of a diagnosis and ongoing support and encouragement to improve the outcomes for families through the principles of trauma informed care. This presentation will discuss the common emotions parents experience surrounding a cCMV diagnosis and present methods of care providers can use to reduce the mental health burden for families of children with cCMV.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the emotions parents may feel after their child is diagnosed with cCMV.
  • Illustrate the importance of the approach providers use in talking to their patients/clients about cCMV.
  • Identify the connection between provider support and parent mental health.


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Stephanie Lucas | Primary Presenter



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