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10/10/2023  |   2:45 PM - 3:45 PM   |  Flynn

It Won't Happen to Me and Other Lies I Told Myself

Abstract Summary

There are more than 8 billion people populating the world right now, with 332 million living in the United States. More than half of these people are women, with the number of women of reproductive age reaching over 64 million. Why are these numbers so significant you may ask? Because of this number, there is a probability of something going wrong during pregnancy. Statistics show that only 9% of women know of CMV and the harm it can do to an unborn baby. More women are aware of down syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome and SIDS, but what they don’t know is that this virus can be prevented by simple basic hygiene. Today I will share my story of an innocent little boy who was tragically taken too soon and how he shone the light for me to be here to share his story perseverance and strength. Without ever speaking a word, he will have transformed me to the person I am today.

Learning Objectives

  • Participant will be able to confidently make decisions based on the opinions of doctors, not recommendations.
  • Participant will be able to prioritize their needs before the needs of others, so they are in their best mental and physical health to care for another/others
  • Participant will be able to identify hidden beliefs they may carry when advocating on the behalf of their family/child/children




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Patricia Cutshall-Bailey | Primary Presenter

Patty graduated with her degrees in Management and Human Resources in 2004. She returned to school in 2007, receiving her master's in business with an Emphasis on Organizational Psychology and Development. Currently she is a Profound Impact Coach providing professional life changing services for men and women who want to live a life of purpose and joy. Her son’s story was published in 2021, with hopes to spread the awareness of CMV and how life is changed by a cerebral palsy diagnosis. Her son Brandon passed away in January of this year. This emphasized her desire to ensure other parents can be informed and future generations can eventually eliminate this silent virus.


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