Abstract Details
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10/08/2023 | 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM | 6613
CMV 101 The Basics and the Updates about Congenital CMV for 2023
Abstract Summary
The basics of congenital CMV will be reviewed, and significant updates for 2023 will be highlighted in this educational overview talk on CMV infection in pregnant persons and congenital CMV in newborns, and CMV in children as they grow. We will discuss CMV epidemiology, transmission, clinical presentations, diagnoses, newborn screening, treatments, prevention, awareness, and advocacy. This session gets you ready for the conference, by updating you on both CMV basics and CMV hot topics.
Learning Objectives
- Refresh our knowledge of the basics of CMV epidemiology, transmission, diagnosis, teatments and prevention
- Update our knowledge of the new updates concerning congenital CMV
- Understand the controversies and knowledge gaps in congenital CMV diagnosis, managemeent, and prevention
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Gail Demmler-Harrison | Primary Presenter
Financial - Receives Royalty options or other ownership interest for Other activities from Elsevier. Receives Grants for Independent contractor,Other activities from Microgen. Receives Consulting fee for Membership on advisory committee or review panels from Moderna. Receives Speaker for Teaching and speaking from WEBMD/Medscape. Receives Honoraria excluding diversified mutual funds for Other activities from Wolters Kluwer.
Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.
Financial - Receives support from Microgen, Moderna, WEBMD/Medscape, Elsevier, Wolters Kluwer for Microgen- grant research Moderna- consultant WEBMD/Medscape- Speakers bureau-honoraria Elsevier and Wolters Kluwer-Royalties for writing.