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9/25/2018  |   11:30 AM - 12:00 PM   |  Diamond Ballroom I

The Journey to Iowa CMV Legislation

This presentation will describe Iowa CMV legislation in detail. It will describe how CMV legislation in Iowa was started, and what work was done to assist with the legislation passing. Presenters will provide tips for families who may wish to engage in the legislative process in the future.

  • Participants will be able to describe CMV legislation in Iowa.
  • Participants will be able to describe concrete ideas on how to be successful in the legislative process.
  • Participants will gain confidence in their ability to engage in legislation and talk with legislators.


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Amanda Devereaux (Primary Presenter), amandakdevereaux@gmail.com;
Amanda grew up in Des Moines, Iowa. She graduated from the College of St. Benedict in Minnesota in 2007, with her Bachelor’s degree in Nursing. She worked as a nurse in Minnesota for 7 years before moving back home to Iowa. Amanda currently works as a nurse home visitor for Maternal Child Health. She enjoys spending time with her husband, Paul, and 2 children, Atticus and Pippa. Pippa was born with Congenital CMV in 2015. Amanda started the Iowa CMV Network as a way to work on CMV legislation in Iowa. Amanda is passionate about advocating for children and families affected by Congenital Cytomegalovirus.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exists.

Nonfinancial - Has a Personal (I have a child born with cCMV. I participate in the Congenital and Inherited Disorders Advisory Committee for the state of Iowa.) relationship for Volunteer membership on advisory committee or review panels,Other volunteer activities.  


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exists.